McCarthy Boulevard Pump Station Upgrades

Location: Regina, SK

The existing pumping system included three identical diesel engine driven pumps and two electric motor driven pumps at the McCarthy Boulevard Pump Station (MBPS) and two electric motor driven pumps in the adjacent McCarthy Boulevard Secondary Station (MBSS). The existing electric motor driven pumps at both the MBPS and MBSS lacked standby power in the event of a utility power outage.

Graham constructed a new generator and building to provide standby power to electric motor driven pumps at both of the pump stations, and the existing motor/pumps at MBPS were replaced with new electric motor driven pumps with similar operating curves to the existing diesel pumps. In addition, select concrete demolition and construction in the wet well with the replacement of all suction lines on the pumps was required. The upgrades were required as part of the City’s commitment to its regulator, Water Security Agency, to reduce the risk of bypasses to the environment by increasing capacity of the MBPS, so it is capable of pumping flows generated by a 1:25 year wet weather event.

Contract Value


Prime Consultant

Associated Engineering (Sask) Ltd.

Project Owner

City of Regina

Contract Format

Stipulated Price

Completion Date

August 2021

Contract Duration

23 months